Native American wedding rings are traditionally an affirmation of natural beauty and a very desirable declaration of love for many couples. Native American artisans craft a timeless presentation of earth’s forces, such as wind, fire and water, and their stones are often the gems dug from American earth.
Native American Wedding Rings: Turquoise
The most traditional and well-known choice of stone for Native American wedding rings is, of course, the turquoise. Native Americans prize this stone, and often wear numerous rings on each hand. For the traditionalist requesting to view Native American wedding rings, there is much to choose from. Some of the loveliest Native American Wedding rings are turquoise inlaid bands. Zuni silversmiths possess art forms they have handed down through generations of craftspeople, like needle point, petite point and inlaid turquoise rings.
Many of these fine Native American wedding rings will have a hallmark. A hallmark means that the artist creating the Native American wedding rings has signed the rings and wishes to be recognized for his endeavor.
Native American Wedding Rings: Non-Traditional Stones
Men’s traditional Native American wedding rings will often be quite wide, with a single setting of turquoise or onyx. Breaking somewhat with tradition, Native American wedding rings are now made of onyx, opal and gaspeite, amber and lapis. Sometimes the Native American wedding rings will be styled through the procedure of cutting stones and shells to fit together perfectly, often with fine tracings of silver within the shell motif.
Amber is a particularly interesting stone setting. Amber is actually the fossilized resin from a tree the grew eons in the past. This lovely, liquid-clear gem is a wonderful symbol of eternal love.
Native American Wedding Rings: Silver
Sterling silver exemplifies Native American art. This is a shining, beautiful metal perfectly suited to gem settings. Native American wedding rings are traditionally prized for their stunning Overlay designs. This is a jewelry art form composed of two layers of silver, one as a base and the other with inset, carved patterns depicting images from Native American life. These may be spiritual animal designs, such as the turtle, bear or eagle.
Native American Wedding Rings: Breaking Tradition, Gold
The craftsmanship of combining traditional turquoise with a gold setting is growing within Native American jewelry makers. This features the use of 14 carat gold, or even combining the metals into one shining piece. Some of the most appealing Native American wedding rings are a rainbow of gems set within glowing combinations of metals.
Native American wedding rings are becoming the preferred choice for Americans who wish to express their love through exquisite, genuinely American craftsmanship.