Native Americans have been creating jewelry of many types for centuries! Native American rings for men have always been a popular item created.
History of Native American Rings for Men
The Navajo tribe is credited with teaching other tribes how to make Native American rings for men. Native American Rings for men have been popular since the 16th century when they saw the Spanish doing it. The Native American rings for men have been used to display societal status. The Navajos would trade their Native American rings for men with the Spanish men for other jewelry items.
By the late 19th century, the Zuni tribe had learned how to smelt silver and was creating many types of jewelry as well, including Native American rings for men. The Hopi soon followed suit after trading with the Zuni for their Native American rings for men as well as other jewelry.
In the past, Native American jewelry, including their Native American rings for men, were made from 100% naturally found stones and materials. This has changed over the years, and today, they can be made from naturally found stones to processed and fake stones. Sometimes Native American tribes will use computer fabricated jewelry pieces such as titanium and steel. Different stones are used in Native American rings for men today due to the different spiritual meanings.
Some stones such as onyx is thought to drive away bad temper and anger, while opal is thought to be a psychic aid. Native American rings for men can also contain different animal shapes that embody different meanings as well. For example, if a ring has an eagle on it the wearer is a person of power within their community. There are a lot of Native American rings for men that have an unlimited different number of meanings.
Popularity of Native American Rings for Men
Native American rings for men have become increasingly popular due to their uniqueness, as well as their expert craftsmanship. Most Native American rings for men are created by hand from members of a tribe. Because they are made by hand, they are usually very solid and well built. Many people from different countries are finding the Native American rings for men a more desirable and fashionable item. Men want to wear something they know nobody else will have, and Native American rings for men fit the bill perfectly. They are extremely unique, colorful, and are able to complement any outfit.